You are a corrections policy analyst in the governor’s office and have been aske


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You are a corrections policy analyst in the governor’s office and have been asked to examine the following challenges in the state’s prison and make recommendations to correct them:
illegal contraband, including cellular phones
staff assaults by offenders
the need for more reentry services options.
Choose one problem above, and be certain to fully answer the following questions in a 4 to 6 page paper:
Evaluate its impact on the institutional corrections on public safety, offender and staff safety.
What, if any impact, does this problem have on community based corrections programs? 
Identify a policy/practice that can be implemented to remedy the problem. The policy/practice must be supported by peer reviewed literature as effective.
What are the implications of your proposed policy/practice’s  fiscal implications for taxpayers? Correctional spending? Public safety?
How will you consider special needs offenders in your proposed policy/practice?
What, if any, recommendations will you make, to improve this policy/practice in the future?
Five credible resources.  Credible resources include peer-reviewed journal articles, books, the class textbook, or reports/documents from the government (.gov sites). A credible source does not include general sources from the internet (.com, .org, .edu, and .net sites are not scholarly). Scholarly resources should be current (no older than five years). If the class textbook is used as a source, then five other scholarly sources must be used.