Topic: The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Physical Rehabilitation for Strok

rehabilitation services

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Topic: The Effectiveness of Virtual Reality in Physical Rehabilitation for Stroke Patients.
Research Question: How does virtual reality technology impact the recovery of motor skills in stroke patients compared to traditional physical therapy methods?
In a word document provide the following information: 
* identify the statement of the problem you are exploring/ the background information on the problem you are exploring. 
* purpose of the study
* research question 
* significance of the study 
Use section headers for each section. 12 point, Times New Roman and Double Space, 1-inch margins all around.  Each response should be in a paragraph format. Be detailed and thorough in your discussion.  You should have resources and citations in your statement of the problem/background information.  The purpose of the study, research question and the significance of the study should be your own words and should be detailed. 
This document should be 2 – 4 pages. 
Matching/Plagiarism Score must be less than 30%
Rubric Scoring Information
* Length:
* meets 2 page requirement 5 points
* Content:
* detailed content in each of the 4 sections 
* Format: 
* used 4 section headers on level one, correct spacing and no formatting errors