Examples of some topics within the paper: Second, the primary key cannot be null


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Examples of some topics within the paper:
Second, the primary key cannot be null. Third, if the foreign key is not
already null, it needs to have a value equal to the primary key. Lastly, all
other data cells in the table must describe the objects identified by the
primary key. When you begin to design the relational database, you can go about
it one of two ways, normalization, or semantic data modeling. An example where
a company could use a relational database would be when customer’s names are on
one table and each customer’s transactions are on another table.
. Typically, databases
store much larger quantities of data than spreadsheets do. Also, how the data
is manipulated and stored varies between the two. A spreadsheet and a database
in today’s world can sometimes be one and the same, as the original uses of
each used to be different, but now they are much more similar than before. A
great example of a database is within a software I use at work. Each week I
enter a few hundred employees’ hours under specific job sites and specific
codes. Once a month the accounting team pulls a massive Excel file, which is
the backend database of the timekeeping software. This helps them to sort
through all the cost codes and job sites to know where to bill what hours in an
efficient and timely manner.