Go to www.sec.gov . Under the heading “Filings and Forms” choose “search for com


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Go to www.sec.gov . Under the heading “Filings and Forms” choose “search for company filings”. Enter your company’s ticker symbol. Find the company’s form 10-K Annual Report.  Print the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and statement of stockholders’ equity (Attach a picture of these four statements)
Using Excel calculate 12 of the following for the current year:
Earnings Per Share
Working Capital
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
Receivables Turnover
Days in Receivable
Inventory Turnover
Days in Inventory
Profit Margin Ratio
Gross Profit Ratio
Return on assets
Return on common stockholders’ equity
Price-earnings Ratio
Payout Ratio
Debt to total assets
Times interest earned
Free Cash Flow
Choose 3 from the above list and calculate for the prior year. Compare the change from current year to prior year and discuss. (Three paragraphs)
Locate the Notes to the Financial Statements and choose 5 of them. Describe them in your own words. I strongly recommend you choose topics you are familiar with (Depreciation, Revenue Recognition,  Accounts Receivable, PP&E, etc) – (Five paragraphs)
Which accounting firm performed the audit?
Prepare a vertical analysis of the balance sheet using Excel expressing each item on the CURRENT YEAR’S balance sheet as a percentage of total assets
Prepare a horizontal analysis of the income statement using Excel comparing both dollar changes and percentage changes. Compare the current year to one year prior.