Please write a short, 3-4 page paper reviewing the below-linked video. The film


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Please write a short, 3-4 page paper reviewing the below-linked video. The film video needs to be introduced in the beginning.

  • VIDEO TITLE: Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis and Steven Zucker, “Bayt Farhi, a Jewish house in
    Damascus,” in Smarthistory, October 16, 2020 (COPY AND PASTE THEENTIRE TITLE INTO YOUTUBE FOR THE VIDEO; it is 7 minutes and 22 seconds long, posted 3 years ago).
  • Essay Format/Questions:
  • Identify the video you are using and place it in historical context, meaning what was going on at the time the video was being made. (Women’s rights movements? Persecution, political situations, etc.
  • If possible Identify the producer or company responsible for making the film.
  • Give a short summary of the subject and the purpose of the video, meaning what is the thesis or the main message of the video.
  • Give your objective view and your analysis of the video. Explain how the video re-enforces what you have learned in class, or just the opposite, if that is the case. How credible do you find the video and for what reasons?
  • End with a conclusory paragraph.

The paper does not necessarily have to be in the above order, but needs to include all points.

Be sure to refer to the video in your analysis and back up any claims you make.

The paper needs to be 3–4 pages long and double-spaced (12-point font). DO NOT USE AI TO CREATE THIS ESSAY, PLEASE! I WILL AI CHECK IT AFTERWARDS, THANK YOU!