Report SEC 10-K Hide Assignment Information Instructions You will be graded base


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Report SEC 10-K

You will be graded based on the point distribution shown below for each section of this report. This grading criteria is very specific to provide you with detailed guidance in helping you prepare your report and PPT presentation. The distribution of points below supersedes the generic rubric found on the course website for both the report and PPT presentation.

See the attached file for a sample of the Nordstrom report


SEC Report: 100 points

Deadline: Week 7

Name of your Company

Your name:

Course Title and Number

Professor’s Name


PAGE 2: This page is the start of the main body of your paper. Your paper must have the section headings in bold and follow the same numbering sequence as below.

I. Introduction and Company Background Information (minimum 1 page) 8 points.

II. Discussion on Income Statement (minimum ½ page) 12 points

III. Discussion on Balance Sheet (minimum ½ page) 12 points

IV. Discussion on Statement of Cash Flows (minimum ½ page) 12 points

V. Ratio Analysis (need a minimum of 2 ratios) 10 points. Computational support must be shown. Alternatively, if you found the ratios on a website, you can use it with the condition that you must cite your source here in this section as well as at the end of the paper along with other citations.

(1) Current Ratio: 1.1

Comments: You must briefly interpret the results in 1-2 sentences.

(2) Accounts Receivable Turnover 2.5

Comments: You must briefly interpret the results in 1-2 sentences individually for each ratio.

Note: The above ratios were provided for illustrative purposes only. You decide which ratios you wish to use. You must follow the format provided in the sample Nordstrom report to avoid loss of points.

VI. Horizontal Analysis (need a minimum of 2 items-1 from Balance Sheet and 1 from Income Statement) 10 points

Account 2016 2015 Difference $ Difference %

  • Cash $1,050,000 1,000000 $50,000 5%
  • Accounts Receivable etc.

Comments: You must briefly comment on each item interpreting the results.

Note: The above accounts were provided for illustrative purposes only. You decide which accounts to analyze. You must follow the format provided in the sample Nordstrom report to avoid loss of points.

VII. Vertical Analysis (need a minimum of 2 items-1 from Balance Sheet and 1 from Income Statement) 10 points

Note: The base accounts Sales or Total Assets or Total Liabilities & Stockholders’ Equity does not count as one of the two items although you need to include the base account used.

Eg. Income Statement

Base: Revenues $5,000,000

CGS $1,000,000/$5,000,000 =20%

Net Income: $2,000,000/$5,000,000=40%

Balance Sheet

Total Assets Base: 10,000,000.

1. Cash 1,000,000/10,000,000 = 10%.

2. Inventory: 2,000,000/10,000,000=20%.

Comments: You must briefly comment on each item interpreting the results.

Note: You must follow the format provided in the sample Nordstrom report to avoid loss of points.

VII. Management Analysis & Discussion (MD&A): 15 points

Write a minimum of 3/4 page on anything of interest you read in the M D & A section of your SEC company

VIII. Conclusion (minimum 1/4 page) 5 points

IX. References: Minimum of three. 6 points

APA Format

Consult the library website for additional assistance. This report must be done using 12 font size and 1.5 spacing.

PS: I have attached a sample report here and will also email it to all with these instructions for you to get an idea of what the final product should look like. However, please note that the sample report is provided for general guidance. The number of ratios etc. analyzed may be different than what is required in this semester. So, please consult the above instructions when preparing your report.