Solidarity Across Race & Class Answer each question with a well-supported paragr


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Solidarity Across Race & Class

Answer each question with a well-supported paragraph. Use quotes, citation and paraphrase to substantiate your answers. (200+ words each. It has to be A )

1. A key component of Chicano history and identity is the re-interpretation of the Mexican American War (1847-48) and its aftermath, in particular the appropriation of Mexican and Indigenous land claims and the violent oppression of these groups. Using sections from the film “The Head of Joaquin,” explain the figure of Joaquin Murrieta in the context of the 1850’s and how he and other “social bandits” are interpreted differently Chicano historians (Rudolfo Acuña reading).

2. The Ronald Takaki and Frank Barajas readings explain the important role of Asian American labor, and the describe the labor solidarity between Japanese and Mexican agricultural workers in the 1903 Oxnard Sugar Beet Strike. Describe this historical event, and include moments and strategies of solidarity; in other words, what kind of strategies brought these groups together. Reference the Barajas article.

3. Consider your community, experiences, and/or our present political conditions. Describe a time when you have witnessed or participated in a movement or a moment of solidarity across race, ethnicity or another kind of difference. Consider examples shared during lecture and in discussion.